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William Dawbney Nordhaus

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William Dawbney Nordhaus (2018)

William Dawbney „Bill“ Nordhaus (* 31. Mai 1941 in Albuquerque, New Mexico) is en US-amerikaansch Wertschapswetenschapler, de 2018 mit den Nobelpries för Wertschapswetenschapen uttekent wurrn is. He is Sterling Professor för Volkswertschapslehre an de Yale University.

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Nordhaus kreeg 1962 van dat Institut d’études politiques de Paris sien Certificat un 1963 van de Yale University sien Bachelor. 1967 kreeg he sien Doktertitel (Ph.D.) an dat Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Ansluutend gung he torüch nah Yale, wo he Assistant Professor, 1970 Associate Professor un 1973 Professor wurr. 1975 hett he en Artikel över sien Theorie van den politischen Konjunkturzyklus herutbrocht, mit de he en wichtigen Bidrag to de Nee Politische Ökonomie leisten dee. Van 1979 bit 1991 weer he John-Musser-Professor, denn A.-Whitney-Griswold-Professor un siet 2001 is he Sterling-Professor för Ökonomie.

He weer Liddmaat van den Wertschapsbiraat van US-Präsident Jimmy Carter un befaat sück mit Themen as Ökologie, Energie, technischen Wannel, Reguleerensansätze un Trends ünner ökonoomsch Gesichtspunkten.

2014 weer Nordhaus wählt Präsident van de American Economic Association.[1]

2018 kreeg he gemeensam mit Paul Michael Romer den Nobelpries för Wertschapswetenschapen. Nordhaus wurr uttekent för de "Integratschoon van den Klimawannel in de langfristige makroökonomische Analyse".[2]

  • 1999 Adelman-Frankel Award (United States Association of Energy Economics)
  • 2005 Distinguished Fellow Award (American Economic Association)
  • 2006 Award for “Publication of Enduring Quality” (Association of Environmental and Resource Economics, för Managing the Global Commons)
  • 2018 Nobelpries för Wertschapswetenschapen


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  • Invention, Growth and Welfare. A Theoretical Treatment of Technological Change. MIT Press, 1969.
  • The Allocation of Energy Resources. In: Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1973.
  • The political business cycle, Review of Economic Studies, 42, 169–190, 1975.
  • mit Wynne Godley und Kenneth Coutts: Industrial Pricing in the United Kingdom. Cambridge University Press, 1978.
  • The Efficient Use of Energy Resources. Yale University Press, 1979.
  • How Fast Should We Graze the Global Commons?. American Economic Review 1982.
  • Robert E. Litan: Reforming Federal Regulation. Yale University Press, 1983.
  • mit Paul Anthony Samuelson: Volkswirtschaftslehre. Das internationale Standardwerk der Makro- und Mikroökonomie. 3., aktualiseert Uplaag, mi, Landsberg am Lech 2007, ISBN 978-3-636-03112-9 (Dat engelsch Original Economics hett siet 1948 völ Uplaagen beleevt.)
  • The cost of slowing climate change: A survey. Energy Journal 1991
  • The DICE Model: background and structure of a Dynamic Integrated Climate-Economy Model of the Economics of Global Warming Cowles Foundation For Research in Economics at Yale University Discussion Paper Nr. 1009 1992.
  • Managing the Global Commons. The Economics of Climate Change. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA., 1994.
  • The Swedish Nuclear Dilemma. Energy and the Environment, Resources for the Future. Washington, D.C., 1997.
  • mit Joseph Boyer: Warming the World. Economic Models of Global Warming. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 2000.
  • Modeling Induced Innovation in Climate-Change Policy In: Grübler, Nakicenovic et al. (Hg.) 2002 – Technological Change and the Environment
  • William D. Nordhaus: A Question of Balance – Weighing the Options on Global Warming Policies, 2008, Yale University Press, ISBN=9780300137484
  • The Climate Casino: Risk, Uncertainty, and Economics for a Warming World. Yale University Press, 2013.[3]
  • A New Solution: The Climate Club "Climate Shock: The Economic Consequences of a Hotter Planet" Gernot Wagner un Martin Weitzman 4 June 2015 issue New York Review of Books

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  1. [1] engelsch, afropen an’n 21. Oktober 2015; Past and Present Officers, aeaweb.org
  2. The Nobel Prize [2] up Twitter
  3. Paul Krugman: Gambling with Civilization. Review in: The New York Review of Books, Utgaav 7. November 2013, afropen an’n 23. Oktober 2013.